Welcome… to great sounding audio!

So let me guess,

You want epic sounding audio.

But…you haven’t got time. Or you don’t know where to start.

It seems everybody else is sorted.

They all have their own podcast editors and ‘go to’ sound designers.

Some can even find their own royalty free music easily, it seems…

You’ve been wildly guessing what to try next.

Well, you’re not alone.

From humble beginnings in Oxford, England, I designed Sound Theory to help folks just like you create great sounding audio.

And this is how I can help you…

Rob Contact at Sound Theory

I’m Rob, an experienced and qualified British audio producer. I’m on a mission to make the world a more exciting sounding place. And that begins with your audio…

You see, I believe in the power of sound to heal, to excite and to ignite.

When I say heal, I mean for you to connect with someone to take them to another place.

When I say excite I mean for you to engage deeply with your audience inspiring them to be moved or motivated.

Great sounding audio = a powerfully inspired and engaged audience.

That’s an audience that moves quickly into action.

I help you achieve these aims by:

1. Showing you how to improve your own audio production workflow and

2. By helping you out if you get stuck.

Whether you’re a podcaster who needs some editing, a musician in need of a signature sound, an app developer looking for sound effects, a film-maker eager to impact audiences or a post-production house who needs help with a tight sound design deadline:

I can help you to create great sounding audio content and quickly.

All you need to do is get in touch.
